10-11am Rabbi Mordechai Willig Rav Soloveitchik’s Insights into the Mussaf of Rosh Hashana Glueck Room 307 Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger Malchuyot: Preparing for the Moment Glueck Room 308 Rabbi Jeremy Wieder The History of Kol Nidrei Glueck Room 418 11am-12pm Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky Do We Listen to the Shofar or the Rabbis? Glueck Room 307 Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg The Special Character of Tefillat Mussaf on Rosh Hashana Glueck Room 308 Rabbi David Hirsch Shitat Ha’Rambam on Tekiyat Shofar Glueck Room 418 12-1pm Senior Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yosef Weiss Divrei Bracha - followed by - Rabbi Michael Rosensweig Rosh Hashana as Yoma Arichta Glueck Beit Midrash 1-2pm Rabbi Moshe Weinberger Rosh Hashana 5775: There Are No Lone Jewish Soldiers Glueck Beit Midrash | 2-3pm Rabbi Yaakov Glasser Shabbat Yom Kippur: Finding the Oneg in the Inuy of Life Glueck Room 307 Rabbi Mayer Twersky 2:00-2:45 PM, followed by daily post-mincha chaburah in Beit Midrash Malchuyot, Zichronot, & Shofarot Glueck Room 308 3-4pm - Panel Discussion: Recurring Aveiros: How to Get out of my Rut? Rabbi Yosef Blau, Dr. Chaim Nissel and Dr. David Pelcovitz Moderator: Rabbi Ely Bacon Fischel Beit Midrash 4-5pm Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank Free Will, Teshuva, and the Mysterious Mitzva of Seir La’Azazel Glueck Room 307 Rabbi Elchanan Adler The Relationship Between Tekiyot D’Meyushav and Tekiyot D’Meumad Glueck Room 308 5-6pm Rabbi Yitzchok Cohen Approaching Teshuva with Halacha and Mussar Glueck Room 307 Rabbi Josh Blass Rav Kook’s Orot HaTeshuva: A Light That Burns Bright More than a Century Later Glueck Room 308 6-6:20pm Mincha Glueck Beit Midrash | 7-7:45pm Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz The Things You Can’t Do Teshuva For Glueck Room 307 Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt Tehillim 27: Teshuva and Social Orthodoxy Glueck Room 308 7:45-8pm Maariv Glueck Beit Midrash 8-9pm Rabbi Menachem Penner Yemei Katnut: “Diminutive Days” and How to Survive Them Glueck Room 308 Rabbi Dani Rapp Eruv Tavshilin Glueck Room 307 9-10pm Rabbi Kenneth Brander U’Netane Tokef Understanding its Historic, Midrashic, and Talmudic Roots Glueck Room 307 Rabbi Ezra Schwartz The Minhag to Not Sleep on Rosh Hashana Glueck Room 308 10-11pm Rabbi Aharon Kahn Bakashat Mechila and Kaparat Yom Ha’Kippurim Glueck Beit Midrash 11pm-12am Rabbi Hershel Schachter ותרועת מלך בו: עניני תקיעת שופר Glueck Beit Midrash |